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English 🇬🇧:


Hailing from the south Cologne border line, Max Goedecke is not the sweetheart and lullaby singer you might expect: woke up with an ill-defined longing to break free and to see the world after graduating, Max grabbed his dusty guitar and started doing street music all around Europe. Traveling from Lisbon’s Alfama terraces to the backstreets of Rome’s Lido Di Ostia up to the marketplaces in London, West Ealing, Max missed not a single opportunity to broaden his view in the turbulent time of the Corona pandemic. He captured all his street performances on his Instagram account tas_phania and grew a loyal fanbase there. Now – after years of music exploration – Max will release his first singer-songwriter record “Broke, but happy (at Lake Success)” on the 15th December 2024, which he did completely produce by himself to achieve a self-portrait. Influenced by artists like Neil Young, Nick Drake and Bob Dylan, the introducing single “Dear Brave New World” will see the light of the world on the 26th of October 2023.


Deutsch 🇩🇪:


Irgendwo zwischen Eifeler Dorfleben und Kölner Südstadt Feeling tingelt Max täglich mit seiner Gitarre zwischen Voreifel und Kölner Speckgürtel rum, um den Menschen seine Straßenmusik darzubieten – und das nun seit mehr als 5 Jahren. Dabei entdeckte der Musiker seine Reiselust erst nach seinem abgeschlossenen Physikstudium: damals gelangweilt vom 9 to 5 Job, entschied sich Max seine Jugendträume vom romantisierten Rockstarleben zu verfolgen und verdiente sich seine Sporen und vorallem Lebenserfahrungen als Straßenmusiker und Reisender in ganz Europa: was als Experiment in London, Covent Garden anfing, führte ihn von Lissabons Alfama-Terrassen zu Roms einstigen Badeparadies Lido Di Ostia bis hin zu Barcelonas Park Güell – und natürlich vieler Zwischenstationen. Alle Straßenauftritte und Abenteuer sind auf seinem Instagram-Account tas_phania festgehalten, wo er sich eine treue Fangemeinde aufgebaut hat. Jetzt – nach Jahren der musikalischen Findung und Entdeckung – wird Max am 15. Dezember 2024 seine erste Singer-Songwriter-Platte „Broke, but happy (at Lake Success)“ veröffentlichen, die er wieder komplett selbst produziert hat, um ein Selbstporträt zu schaffen und als Produzent zu wachsen. Beeinflusst von Künstlern wie Neil Young, Nick Drake und Bob Dylan,  deuten die ersten beiden Singles “Dear Brave New World” und “On The Road” (eine Cover vom Eifel-Singer-Songwriter und Luthier Mario Nyeky!) bereits eine Sammlung von charmant-intimen Akustikballaden an, die an 70er Jahre Singer-Songwriter Platten erinnern.



Português 🇧🇷:


Em algum lugar entre a vida da aldeia de Eifel e o sentimento de Colônia Südstadt, Max anda todos os dias com seu violão entre Voreifel e os subúrbios de Colônia para oferecer às pessoas sua música de rua - e já faz isso há mais de 5 anos. O músico só descobriu a paixão por viagens depois de concluir os estudos de física: na época, entediado com o trabalho das 9 às 5, Max decidiu perseguir seus sonhos juvenis de uma vida romantizada de estrela do rock e conquistou esporas e, acima de tudo, experiências de vida, como músico de rua e viajante por toda a Europa: que foi uma experiência em Londres, Covent Garden, levou-o dos terraços de Alfama, em Lisboa, ao antigo paraíso balnear de Roma, Lido Di Ostia, ao Parque Güell de Barcelona - e, claro, muitas paragens entre eles. Todas as suas performances de rua e aventuras são capturadas em sua conta tas_phania no Instagram, onde ele construiu uma base de fãs leais. Agora - depois de anos de descobertas e descobertas musicais - Max lançará seu primeiro disco de cantor e compositor "Broke, but happy (at Lake Success)" no 15 de dezembro de 2024, que ele mais uma vez produziu inteiramente sozinho para criar um autorretrato e como produtor para crescer. Influenciados por artistas como Neil Young, Nick Drake e Bob Dylan, os dois primeiros singles “Dear Brave New World” e “On The Road” (um cover do cantor e compositor Eifel e Luthier Mario Nyeky!) já representam uma coleção de charme -baladas acústicas íntimas que lembram discos de cantores e compositores dos anos 70.



Praise for Newspeak:


"Goedecke [..] emerges as a fierce talent on Newspeak who bridges the divide between nostalgic anthemic rock and contemporary indie-rock charm."  - MIKE MINEO, Obscure Sound, 16th April 2018


"‘Slowly to Sink’ the second track is perhaps my favourite here at the moment and really shows off Max’s distinctive pleasantly raspy voice which here takes on a Jack White-esque lilt. There’s plenty of swirling energy in the song that takes on a real early eighties indie rock vibe and won’t let you go until its teeth are fully sunk in. It’s the kind of song you hear and know that if the artist runs with this then bigger things are just around the corner."  - MARK DIGG, The Rock Pit, 2nd June 2018


""Slowly To Sink” was a highlight which also happens to be one of the more single-worthy songs in the batch. The songs builds with intensity and has a number of notable crescendos. [...] Overall, this is a great debut. If you are a fan of some of the aforementioned genres you should like this. (3.8/5)"  - JAMIE FUNK, DIVIDE AND CONQUER MUSIC, 16th July 2018


"With a track this strong [Alessia Di Castellabate], one that could be an indie hit on the right playlist somewhere, Goedecke knows to runs away with it; and somehow combining elements of rock, blues, folk, country and pop into one track."  - KATE STEVENS, Indie Rock Cafe, 10th July 2018

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